Category: Other Trainers
The trainer is based on the NI myRIO platform and is aimed at hands-on studies. It allows implementing IEC-based power measurement and quality analyses.
The trainer is based on the NI myRIO platform and is aimed at hands-on studies. It allows implementing IEC-based power measurement and quality analyses.
– contains practical part
The laboratory facility is designed for hands-on study of Lighting Control, Air Ventilation, and Security systems for household areas. It’s a model of a real home with air ventilation, motion and occupancy detection systems, a security system, and lighting control.
A bench-mount trainer for teaching Process Measurement & Control through the level, flow, temperature, and pressure.
The PT001 trainer includes all the required sensors and actuators to perform the full experiment list for teaching
process control and measurement. Using PT001, the student will acquire a better understanding and hands-on experience
in process control.
The PT001 was developed for use with National Instruments measurement and control platforms. It utilizes
platform features such as; real-time and FPGA processing, intelligent communication interfaces, rugged I/O modules,
among others. The industrial I/O modules filter, calibrate, and scale raw sensor signals to engineering units and
perform self-diagnostics.
The curriculum covered includes teaching the principles of acquiring different physical phenomena, On/Off Control,
PID control, Feedforward, and other types of control are used in the industry.
The whole system is connected to the specialized control software that is implemented in LabVIEW graphical programming language.
This option of the Solar Thermal Energy Trainer consists of a solar thermal panel and an array of halogen lamps as a sun simulator. The trainer allows studying the main principles of converting solar energy to thermal energy.
The NetSimulator Current Adaptor is used to generate real current flow from the simulated signal in 3phase power networks. It can be used together with Multipurpose IED, Relay Protection, and other devices.